Honoring Our Loved Ones
Honoring Our Loved Ones
We are blessed to be part of a vibrant, caring community where honoring others is not only a tradition but also a sacred value. The commandment of Zachor—“remember”—asks us to honor the memory of those who have passed. Memory is a powerful tool for preserving the legacies of those who came before us and ensuring their impact continues to shape our lives. Similarly, the Jewish value of Hakarat HaTov, or “recognizing the good,” teaches us the importance of showing gratitude to others. By cultivating a sense of appreciation for the gifts we receive—whether they come from family, friends, or even strangers—we recognize that every act of goodness, no matter how small, is a reflection of the Divine in the world.
At Beth Jacob, we offer several opportunities to honor individuals, whether in memory, in celebration, or as a personal gesture of appreciation,
Yahrzeit Observance
One of the beautiful and longstanding customs of Judaism is honoring the memories of loved ones by observing the anniversary of their passing. To make a contribution in memory of your loved one, please submit the form below.
To beserve the Yahrzeit, it is customary to light a Yahrzeit candle to mark the beginning of the Yahrzeit at sundown and recite Kaddish at daily services which are held at Beth Jacob.
Sponsor a Class
Shul Class Dedication - $72
Beth Jacob classes engage learners of all levels on topics that range from Torah to Talmud to Tanya and more.
Perpetual Memorial Plaque
Yahrzeit Plaque - $500
One of the most profound ways to honor the memory of a loved one is by dedicating a Yahrzeit Plaque.
Holocaust Memorial Plaque
Holocaust Memorial Plaque - $500
Although decades have passed, the tragic impact of the Holocaust is still felt by Jews across the world, and honoring the memory of those we lost is a way to ensure that we never forget.
Leaf Plaque
Leaf on the Tree of Life - $360
The Tree of Life (located in the Emerson Street lobby) serves as a beautiful reminder that the cycles of life—both joyous and sorrowful—are interconnected, and that each of us plays a part in the ongoing story of our community.
Tue, February 18 2025
20 Shevat 5785
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 5:36pm |
Shabbat Day
Havdalah : 6:45pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Mishpatim
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 21, 5:36pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 22, 6:45pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Feb 22 |
Alot Hashachar | 5:37am |
Earliest Tallit | 6:07am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 6:55am |
Latest Shema | 9:39am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:34am |
Chatzot (Midday) | 12:23pm |
Mincha Gedola | 12:51pm |
Mincha Ketana | 3:34pm |
Plag HaMincha | 4:43pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 5:51pm |
Tzeit Hakochavim | 6:31pm |
More >> |
Beth Jacob Congregation, 3778 Park Blvd, Oakland, CA 94610
510.482.1147 | office@bethjacoboakland.org
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